Goals: Extinguish the lava, Use the Akhi Fire sign three times, Bake food for citizens 10 times

Starting resources: 6 Food, 100 Mana

Hints: Small portions of food cook faster.

Notes: A lava pool filled with stones yields 20 units of ore.


1. Chop up the fallen trees  Open the chest (1-2). Cook
20 units of food in the bakery (1-3).

2. Cover the pool of lava (2-1). Cook 20 units of food in the
bakery (1-3). Fill the hole in the road (2-2).

3. Cook 50 units of food in the bakery. Cover the pool of lava (3). Open the chest (3-2). Unblock the well (3-3).

4. Repair the bakery (4). Draw water from the well. Put out the fire in the empty lot (4-2). Trade 50 units of coconut oil for mana in the temple (4-3).

5. Use the Akhi sign and cook 100 units of food in thebakery. Draw water from the well twice. Unblock the empty lots (5).

6. Put out the lava fires  Trade 50 of coconut oil for mana in the temple. Use the Akhl sign.

7. Use two workers to cook 20 units of food three times in
the bakery. Trade 50 units of oil for mana in the temple
and use the Akhi sign.

8. Keep cooking 20 units of food in two bakeries until you
have completed the level.